Edifici de 30 habitatges protegits . Sant Just Desvern. AMB/IMPSOL
Edifici de 47 habitatges i aparcament, Torre Baró, Barcelona. IMHRB
Nova Bibiloteca de Vic. Ajuntament de Vic
Reforma i adequació per els nous usos culturals de l'antiga Nau Oliva Artés. BI
Construcció de dos edificis plurifamiliars. Mollet del Vallès
Escola de Música Can Bagaria. AMB
Mercat Municipal de Volpelleres a Sant Cugat del Vallès
Projecte i obra construccio pavello esportiu de la Guinardera
Posada en valor del jaciment arqueologic Roma casa de l'Heura Badalona
Pintura aparcament BSM Francesc Layret
Remodelació del Teatre de Montornès del Vallès
New school Emili Teixidor in Roda de Ter
New school Soler Vilardell in Sant Celoni
Adequacy of the Antarctic Spanish Base Juan Carlos I, in the Antarctica
Restoration and restructuring of the Warehouse of the King Martí of Barcelona
New library in Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Barcelona.
Sports track of 3 chimneys in Poble Sec, Barcelona
Construction of a Mediateca Intercomunal in Frontignan, France.
Rehabilitation of the "Pescadores" blocks, in the neighborhood of the Barceloneta
Remodeling Barrack of the Municipal police in Barcelona
Restoration of the Monastery of holi Maria of the Franquesas of Balaguer, Lerida.
Recovery former Hospital of the Castell de Sant Ferran in Figueres
Recovery of Figueres's former Slaughter house, phase 1
Sports pavilion(flag) PAV-2 in the School Montfalgars of Girona
Rehabilitation of the Chapel of the Congregation of Ripoll
Rehabilitation of the Library of Cassa de la Selva
Remodeling of Seminari Menor for Facultat d'Educació i Psicologia in Girona
Rehabilitation of Castell de Sant Ferran in Figueres
Construction of Pavelló Municipal of Vilafant
Construction of Piscina Municipal in Can Gibert del Pla in Girona
Construction of the building Tallers and Politècnica 3 in Campus Montilivi of UdG
Construction of Library and Sala Polivalent of Roca del Vallés
Construction Singel House in Girona.
Construction of Sala Municipal Polivalent in Bescanó
Construction of 44 homes in Porqueres
Biblioteca UdG Campus Montilivi
Senior housing in El Far d'Empordà
Consultori Local in Sant Gregori
New pavilion in Bordils
There centres Civic Ter-Bibiloteca Antònia Adroher in Taialà, Girona
Construction of 44 homes in Les Esplanes de Llançà
Dressing of Camp de futbol de Palau in Girona
Construction of 32 homes in Figueres
Reform and enlargement of Theater of Bescanó
Construction of Passeig marítim of Empúries
New bridge in Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà
Parquing Esteve Quimica in Celrà
Rehabilitation of the Convent of Castelló de Empúries's Santa Clara
Rehabilitation of modernist industry of Can Mario in Palafrugell
Rehabilitation of Mas El Cassés of Olot
Restoration and adequacy of Monestir de Sant Pere de Galligans in Girona
Rehabilitation old Banc d'Espanya of Girona
Restoration of Centre Cultural La Mercè de Girona
Rehabilitation of Castell de Palol de Revardit
Restoration Library Can Marfà of Girona
Rehabilitation of Can Trinxeria in Cassà de la Selva
Restoration of wall of Llagostera
Museum Can Girones of Sta. Coloma de Farners
Restoration Campanar de Vic
Reform of Consell Social de la UdG in Girona
CEIP Forn d'Anells of Fornells de la Selva
Reform of the Major Seminar of Girona
Theater of St. Narcís in Girona
Restoration Casa Maso of Girona
Photovoltaic roof Mercagirona in Girona
Visitor Center of Sarrià de Ter
Microbiology laboratory Esteve Quimica of Celrà
Home St. Martí fundation in Sta. Eugènia
Adequacy Academia Adams of Girona
INSS of Granollers
Comarcal archive of Olot
Nursing home Can Palots de Canovelles
Enlargement CEIP Can Puig of Banyoles
Single Family Torrent Mas d'Aiguaviva
New IES Ridaura of Castell-Platja d'aro
Archive Can Mach of Torroella de Montgrí
Nursery Sant Pere Pescador
Enlargement IES Cap Norfeu of Roses
Municipal Services Building in Vilabertran
Center of Salt's Scenic Arts
Campllong's Social place